Any recruiter that works with job-sites, knows some candidates in person. And not because they are first-class professionals (although this one does not exclude), but because sometimes every day you see on the website the same candidates: «Ivanov, Petrov and Vasechkin again today posted my resume…»
Every day are consistently within a few months, six months, or even years.
the question is: people can’t find work? Answers may be multiple.
- Candidate really can’t get a job: being interviewed, responds, but do not take him. Conclusion — the candidate is really not appropriate for objective reasons in that position, he has claimed (experience, education, motivation, personal qualities and professional competence, salary expectations).
- the Candidate is not actively seeking work. It, in principle, are satisfied at the current location, but as they say, «it’s a poor soldier, who never wants to become a General.» Candidate locates resume in open source in the hope that he will call with a good offer.
What happens in the end: if the recruiter is constantly running from one region, selects specialists continuously in the same professional area, such «public person» he knows. Since it is mostly likely already talked all about them knows. And any candidate not relevant for the market or has problems with motivation. Hunting to communicate with these candidates lost: «Do for all this time, Ivanov for so long did not match any employer? Something about him not…» most Often in the interviews it becomes clear that it is.
What to do? I would like to make some recommendations to the applicants that they were not included in the lists visyakov» and could successfully find a new job and grow professionally.
- if You for a long time can’t find a job, examine why. How You even now need to work? How much do You need, interesting, suitable specific position and type of activity? As You possess the necessary competencies for this work? What You said at the interview? If there was feedback from the recruiter/hiring Manager, look at it and think, what else can You work, what skills to develop, how to get experience to finally find a desired job.
- If You are an experienced professional, actively seeking and are not, but are open to suggestions — what is dangerous from the ranks of the «visyakov.» First, there are doubts about Your readiness to move to a new job: if You are satisfied, why consider? Maybe there is still reasonable cause to leave, but You are afraid to remain without work and see what is on the market? There are doubts whether to go now or better to wait for good deals? You must understand that any employer wants to clearly understand will there be chosen a candidate for the job. He spends resources on search, both financial and time, and therefore, of course, he wants to be sure of the motivation of the candidate. Here you need to be honest with yourself and with your employer. «Well, where we do not». Changing jobs is a serious question.
If You really want to professionally develop and consider proposals for growth, in order not to miss a good offer, I suggest You keep the summaries in the «closed access» on many job sites have this function: Your resume is on the site, employers can’t see him in the search, but You can respond to interesting proposals. Do not be lazy to be active! If You are really interested to develop, periodically looking at the labour market, you can also sign up for jobs by specifying which of the proposals, the professional field of interest to You — this feature is also available on most sites job search. To sleep in the open source mean to say that You just are ready to change jobs in the coming time.
good Luck and success!
Margarita Bragin,
Recruitment company AVICONN
Consultant recruitment