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Sales representative VS a Medical representative. Similarities and differences in the work

Sales representative VS a Medical representative. Similarities and differences in the workNow, in hard times, more often on vacancy of the medical representative of a pharmaceutical company responds candidates with experience as a sales representative.
In this article, our specialist offers to understand how close these vacancies, how close the experience of such people, whether one to take the place of the other, and, if not, for whatever reason.

let’s Start with the fact that generally require a medical representative. Primarily education. Here can be a few options, it all depends on the Company in which You go. A number of Western companies, and we mainly focus on the Western market employers are willing to consider candidates with any higher education. Still, most companies would like to see their staff of specialists with higher medical or pharmaceutical education. Such a requirement puts them West management company and dispute the moment is not possible. There is another category of companies that are willing to consider candidates with secondary higher and secondary special medical or pharmaceutical education. The next requirement imposed by the company candidates is experience. Let’s detail will deal with this point, because this may be Your strong point (if You are a sales REP FMCG company), and the reason for refusal in consideration of Your candidacy.

so, if we are talking about the job Medical representative to work with doctors, unfortunately, Your experience is not the same as working with doctors involves personal contact and promotion of medicines to professionals who have deep medical knowledge and ask You a specific question regarding your medical practice, You will be hard to keep a decent person when such negotiations.

Another thing, if You’re considering a job is a medical representative to work with pharmacies. Your experience here is a sales representative might even be interesting. This is logical, since, besides that, the functionality is close communication with representatives of retail outlets (pharmacies), interaction with heads (administrative management), with pharmacists, pharmacists (selling link), You can bring to their work and therefore in the resulting company, new dynamics, the ability to apply the schema of visits, developed for the FMCG market, use fresh methods of negotiation (for example, against objections).

an Important point of similarity between these professions is traveling nature of work and a certain amount of visits that you want to perform (don’t forget about qualitative component of this process). When viewed from this perspective, the vacancy – the medical representative activity may be somewhat lower (on average 12-16 visits per day) when the sales representatives 20 visits is even an easy day.

Now about the visits – if a sales representative visit consists of checking the correctness and the number of the exposed positions (according to the marketing agreement), brief presentations and product features, to marketing campaigns, medical representative similar functionality is supplemented by detailed description of each drug, its pharmacological properties, the portrait of the buyer, the symptoms and the result of admission (which increases the time of the visit on average 2-3 times); regular organization and conduct of pharmaceutical circles and round tables, which, by the medical representatives, involved speakers (3-5 times a month).

Summing up the results of this comparative characteristics apparently similar vacancies, please cite some statistics: in 2014: among the Company closed Avicon vacancies medical representatives candidates with higher non-medicalpharmaceutical education, about 30 percent, candidates with experience as a sales representative (with pharmacies) – about 10%, without specialized education and no work experience medicalsales representative (pharmacy) – 0%.

I Hope this information will help You with determining the future development or assessment of the chances during the passage of the competition for a particular position. If You want to develop in the pharmaceutical business, but do not have specialized education, a lot more possibilities open to You, if You will have the experience of interacting with pharmacies.

Recruitment company AVICONN