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Specific selection of managers for medical equipment

Specific selection of managers for medical equipmentIn this article we will try to reveal the specifics of the recruitment of candidates for this challenging field, such as medical equipment

Medical equipment is a wide range of equipment to ensure optimal operation of hospitals and clinics. It includes both low-cost devices for everyday use and sophisticated equipment for unit operations and research.

the Specialist who applies for this position should understand that this specific direction, has a lot of features and nuances.

What set of criteria should be a candidate to occupy a position in the large Russian or Western company?

  • Specialized medical education. It is important to have an understanding of the specifics of medical equipment, what it does and what are the areas that it can be applied.
  • sales Experience in medical or pharmaceutical market.
  • Experience of interaction with decision-makers, as well the ability to convey to them the importance of buying products.
  • Practical experience of the doctor.
  • a Plus would be experience in the use of equipment in practice.
  • knowledge of the English language. On the Russian market dominated Western medical equipment companies, and our companies often use foreign technology in the production of their own products. Therefore, for successful sales, understanding of equipment functionality and communication with suppliers, you need knowledge of a foreign language level: Intermediate and above.

what else should draw the attention of the recruiter, looking professionals for the position of sales Manager of medical equipment?

in Addition to the above listed professional should pay attention to the personal qualities of the candidate, such as stress tolerance, commitment (sale of medical equipment leads the mass of negotiations, approvals and beliefs and is often delayed for a long time), competent report to the opponent «their thoughts.»

If a person meets all these requirements, then it can safely apply for the position of sales Manager of medical equipment.

For a candidate who meets all these requirements, opportunities abound:

  • the income of successful sales managers medical equipment can reach several hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of Russian rubles, because the prospects for the Russian market are limitless.
  • Career growth in the largest companies.
  • Ability to continue working abroad.
  • Getting invaluable experience with KOL.

to summarise, I can say that the market of medical equipment interesting and promising. Work in this market requires total immersion in the specifics of the industry, it is complex. Therefore, if the candidate is not afraid of challenging and interesting problems, it is important the end result is the job of a sales Manager of medical equipment for him!

Tatiana Kovalchuk

Recruiting company AVICONN

The recruitment consultant.