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Social network recruiting: «for» and «against»

Social network recruiting: «for» and «against»Today, the recruiter should use all possible sources and tools in order to find her, the best and only candidate.

the Use of such standard techniques of search sites job search, where the candidates themselves post their resumes, and are available to all competitors, or the applicant database accumulated by the Agency, can not lead to quick and desired results.

After a successful recruiter must be a step ahead of their colleagues from other agencies or companies.

Social networks can not be called a brand new tool to search for candidates, because for several years they not only do not lose their popularity, but also continue to gain momentum, representing a huge user base of not only the country, but of the civilized world. Many people put on public display a lot of seemingly innocent information from the surname, name, patronymics, their pictures and marital status, and to present dinner and thinking about plans for the future, but, for example, marketers can on the basis of such information to build a strategy for the promotion and development of its products, to assess consumer opinion, the unsuspecting user to further increase sales of your company. Gone are the years when social networks were exclusively communication tool for lost each other relative or friends, classmates, today the person before you put the next record, you need to carefully weigh all the «pros» and «cons», namely: who can read, and how it can be interpreted. Many can recall occasions when, after a careless remarks about the company in social networks, people losing their jobs. And then there are disputes, even if the person made a record during off hours, if he has not violated the terms of the contract for non-disclosure, then, at least, gave rise to the leadership of his company to doubt his loyalty, thereby increasing your chances of reducing or retiring from the company.

However, many users still go to social networks to relax and not think about the working time. But did the recruiter should refuse such a rich base or take a few seconds time man, informing him about the job offer? Especially now, when there are a huge number of filters — you can get a great list of potential candidates who have completed a specific Department of a University in a given year. Yes, of course, such a mass distribution similar to spam, but what to do, because to catch the desired fish much easier, throwing the network, rather than a single rod. Yes, and the presence of various groups, communities, significantly narrowing the search are too tempting for a recruiter interested in that position was closed.
But then there is talk about social networks «General» in nature, for example, Vkontakte or Facebоok, but it has a purely professional type, LinkedIn, My circle, Professionalism and other, where the person’s page reflects partially or fully his resume. People tuned in professional communication, and he would not be surprised if he gets a job offer.

But not all people are registered in several networks, someone enough simply to point to your web page last place of work, to keep friends informed. It happens that people do not think about changing places of work, until it will truly be interesting proposal. The goal of the recruiter is to convey the information available to the maximum number of candidates that another man found his place in life, and social networks are a great help in this matter!

Morgunova Zoe

Recruitment company AVICONN