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Sexism in the professional field

Sexism in the professional fieldAmong the problems related to the professional field, a huge social role is the subject of employment discrimination. This phenomenon is still widespread throughout the world and as a sign, that the denial of rights and opportunities, may make any significant difference of person, for example, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, age, disability, etc.

I would like to elaborate on the issue of sexual discrimination in the employment sphere, as one of the manifestations of sexism. «SEXISM is a social stereotypes, beliefs, and beliefs, asserting the superiority of one sex over the other and thereby justifying social inequality of men and women. Ideological functions in relations between the sexes With. similar to racism in relations between races and ethnic groups. The most common form C. — male chauvinism», but there is a female C. S. the Origins are rooted in the absolute, and the biological function of sex differences, many of kotoryj actually derived from specific social conditions and cultural norms, multifaceted and mnogourovnevoy, and some are imaginary, illusory» Brief psychological dictionary. — Rostov-on-don: Phoenix. Loukachenko, Averenskii, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998.

Sexism in the professional sphere can be expressed in horizontal segregation vertical segregation, as well as in lower pay for women compared with men.


Limitations in the choice of profession experienced equally by both sexes, but in relation to men, they are limited by social stereotypes and attitudes toward women expressed in real employment discrimination on the legal level. So, in 2003 the government adopted a new expanded list of prohibited for women professions, which includes 400 items (in Soviet times there were about 60). «On the basis of this list was, for example, declined in 2009, the claim of Anna Pick to the St. Petersburg subway, refused to take it to the lucrative post of assistant train driver, although in Soviet times women on this work was accepted. In 2010, the court refused to acknowledge that gender discrimination against Alina Sorokovoy, which was not accepted by the operator of the excavator, as she was a woman.» (According to the materials of the program «Gender democracy» Foundation. The Heinrich Boell Foundation.)

the State is positioning this as a concern for women’s reproductive health, but in fact this list restricts women’s access to a large number of highly paid professions. Women, to be paid the appropriate salary for the work with heavy physical work, to work in two bets or to work on two, three low-paid jobs that exhaust and affects physical health not less, and even more on the psychological.


If we talk about women’s career, it is worth to mention the term «glass ceiling» — an informal barrier that limits the advancement of women through the ranks for reasons not related to their professional qualities, especially if they work in a «man’s field».

Also is the place to be «gender pyramid» — on the lower rungs of the career ladder in many industries, more women than men, but as it becomes more posts this proportion is reversed.

In 2010, recruitment portal Superjob.ru conducted a major study on gender distribution in different areas. These studies have shown that managing a legal Department often trust the men (57%), as well as their subordinates — ordinary lawyers often are women (62%). The situation is similar in the literary environment: among editors slightly more men (52%), but among literary editors Dame — 71%. Head of Internet projects prefer men (64%), and to fill the site with content women (59%).

«the Most highly paid positions still get the men, and the imbalance in the balance of «work-family» is still a woman’s issue. The introduction of a special quota nothing to solve it. Much better would be gender sensitive educational programmes» — Elena Zdravomyslova, Professor of political Sciences and sociology, European University at St. Petersburg.


Men earn more often because they are more willing to accept a high-paying positions, and they often raise wages. You can often find arguments like «we Should have a salary raise his children to raise, and then go to another company».
The woman in most cases, you have to choose to either sacrifice career and to become a «kept»in the economic dependence on men. Or combine the work of Housewives with work outside the home because very widespread, sexist view that the household is a female responsibility.


Professor, University of London, Tom Schuller found one social phenomenon the Principle of «Paula». Its essence is that many women are employed in jobs below their level of competence. «This is a serious problem, and I think it’s fair for Russia, because it is fair for all industrialized countries — that is, that women outperform men in education and in the overall skill level. And until we find ways to help women to fulfil their potential, then we are simply going to miss their opportunities both in economic and in social terms».

the task of the modern society to give women more opportunities for professional self-realization that they could do more good as professionals in any industry. You must resolve this issue at the state level and to stop, finally, to cultivate the idea of weakness and fear of hard work among women, and to give all an equal right choice.


In Russia, despite the active cultivation of sexist stereotypes in public life for the last time, labor law, there are positive changes. In 2011 the law «On state guarantees of equal rights and freedoms and equal opportunities for men and women in the Russian Federation»were amended, including revised titles («On state guarantees of equality between women and men»). In 2013, changes in the RF law «On employment in the Russian Federation». Based on these changes, the state guarantees: ensuring equal access of women and men to education and equality of men and women in the socio-labour relations. I want to believe that these laws will work in practice.

Sexism in the professional sphere is slowly but steadily losing ground. But still in the mass consciousness of gender stereotypes, cannot be and speeches about equality, economic independence and autonomy of all members of society.

«What can you do? Nobody says that tomorrow we will break this vicious circle. But you can start small. To start with yourself. Listen to yourself, look at yourself, to track every small the idea, to analyze and to ask — why am I so believe who I revealed why I don’t trust this or that, why-why-why?! It is time to stop hating each other, to humiliate, to gloat, to mock and devalue.» http://frau-zapka.livejournal.com/

it’s Time to get rid of all kinds of gender stereotypes and build a free, just and equal treatment between people irrespective of their gender.

Alexandra Kozhemyako

Consultant recruitment

Recruitment company AVICONN