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Recommendation letter

Recommendation letterLetter of recommendation — a review of the employer about a former employee from a professional point of view. As well as a document that can provide employers, teachers and other persons, on request, those planning to find another job, apply for a scholarship, etc.

Not all future employers ask him to provide, but if together with the summary you will make and a letter of recommendation — it gives more solidity your candidacy. A recommendation letter is a document, which should be composed according to all the rules of business correspondence.

As a rule, in large companies there is a ready-made template letters of recommendation, which changes under a specific employee.

Let’s talk about what should be contained in the letter.

Indeed, sometimes the employer asks the employee what he wants to be reflected in the recommendations.

The letter should contain a brief description of professional skills, achievements, progress in the period of work in the company.

  • Letter of recommendation should be made on the official letterhead of the company, certified by a seal
  • The text of the letter should fit on one A4 sheet.
  • It is better not to use the well — known phrases, sociable, Executive, etc. it is Important to list the specific facts — increased sales, participated in the creation of the project, commissioned etc.
  • In the document it is underlined, what position and in which period the employee worked, his successes, achievements and job responsibilities. If possible, indicate the results in figures, in percent
  • Characteristics of business qualities of the employee
  • Confirmed cause of quitting
  • Signature of referee indicating contact

Since the letter is drawn up on paper, for a better safety of makes sense it be laminated, do scan a copy and give to a future employer.

It is important to remember that the information contained in the letter of recommendation does not give you an absolute guarantee a successful interview. This will favorably distinguish you from other applicants for a vacant position, but how you show yourself in the interview process will be a great indicator for the future employer.

Julia Schur
Head of Saint-Petersburg office
Recruiting company AVICONN