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Conflict resolution at work

Conflict resolution at workConflicts at work: who among us has not experienced them — had a quarrel with a colleague, came a misunderstanding with the head, the negative from the client. But why they happen and what to do with them?

Conflicts at work: who among us has not experienced them — had a quarrel with a colleague, came a misunderstanding with the head, the negative from the client. But why they happen and what to do with them? Conflicts make emotional instability in our work, interfere with the execution of tasks, spoil relationships. Conflicts with colleagues have a negative impact on the psychological climate in the team, impede the successful implementation of some joint problems, conflicts with clients directly lead to the deterioration of the reputation of You as a specialist, the company as a whole, of which You are. To resolve conflicts is necessary, and with minimal losses, and better to avoid them altogether. How to do it? Let’s start with the theory.

the Conflict is a power dynamic interaction of two or more parties based on contradiction (inconsistency) goals, interests, values, norms or a lack of resources. Conflict, as a rule, is accompanied by negative emotions (anger, resentment, rage, indignation, etc.), a completion result: positive for both sides, positive for one and negative for the other hand, is negative for both sides.

the structure of the conflict can be represented as follows:

conflict Resolution at work

Preconflict stage — at this stage it is possible to carry out prevention, prognosis conflicts. Hidden conflict that is brewing, accumulated stress caused by a specific reason — at this point, you can monitor and prevent open conflict parties. Open conflict is an open showdown between opponents, accompanied by heightened emotions, post-conflict stage, the emotions and the confrontation between the two parties is on the decline.

the Causes of conflict can be a variety of work — from personal intolerance of people to each other to differences in points of view of doing business. Conflict is always a collision, and emotions at work, especially negative ones, is a very dangerous thing. At work we are guided by the principles of business communication, business ethics, working relationships are at the level of formal interpersonal communication, and open conflicts usually arise when one or both parties begin to cross the line and translate working relationships in personal — hence emotions arise. Also emotionally increases because of the increase in voltage during the latent conflict), the voltage increases, because the mind does not see other ways of resolving the problem. It is important to learn to manage their emotions at work, monitor its condition at the time of the accumulation voltage and find the way to solve the problem before the tension escalates into open conflict.

When resolving conflict situations are pursued typically the following objectives:

  • situational resolution of the situation («fire»);
  • structural — the need to change the rules of interaction («rules»), to non-constructive conflict situation was not repeated;

  • personal — to resolve the problem with the least cost (emotional, temporal, material and so on).

depending on the correlation of forces opponents and a number of related conflict circumstances, there are 5 strategies of conflict resolution:

  1. Push — actively defending their own positions, strong-willed decision. If a decision is needed quickly, You are sure in your view, have sufficient authority and power, then you should choose this strategy. However, if You value your relationship with your opponent, you should think about another way.
  2. Evasion — ignore conflict or delay issues. Used when You need to buy time, You realize that you do not have sufficient resources, arguments to win and/or to ease the tension, emotion (or Your opponent), because I realize that this will not lead to a constructive solution of problems, the relationship with the opponent are important to You. It is not recommended to use, if the problem requires immediate attention, and over time will only get worse.
  3. Assignment — sacrifice their own interests for the interests of the other. It is recommended to use when you want to maintain a good relationship, You understand that you are not right.
  4. Compromise the interests of both parties to the conflict are satisfied partly on the basis of mutual concessions. Used if both parties have equal power), you need to obtain permission quickly and You are satisfied with a temporary solution.
  5. Collaboration — You actively defend its own interests, but cooperate with the other party. Used when the solution to the problem is important for both opponents have a long-term partnership between the parties. Using this strategy is possible when both sides are able to openly explain their interests and to listen to each other, the opponents are equally power and authority (or ignore the difference in power)when both parties are willing to be flexible in solving problems and to find a new approach to the problem. Not used this type of strategy, if one party has more power and wants to use it, there is a low level of confidence opponents, one party or both consider their point of view is the only correct one, the parties does not have the flexibility of behavior and effective communication skills.

the Last two strategies are seen most constructive, especially for resolving conflicts at work, but not always possible. A key principle of cooperation — Not me against you, and we together against the problem.» This allows not only to shift the focus of attention opponent with a splash of emotions on finding the solution itself, but also to adjust themselves to that position.

All causes of conflict at work are in the field a) personality b) of the rules of interaction. According to this principle can be decomposed into a conflict with the client: the conflict occurred, either because a) You are dealing with so-called complex type of customers (high demands, criticism, emotional person), or (b) breach of obligations, the «rules of the game». With conflicts within team working harder. Frequent conflicts in the team, for example, may be indicators of dysfunctional psychological climate, to talk about the psychological incompatibility between some team members. Psychological climate directly affects the motivation of employees to work, to work specifically in this company, so it is important not only to treat the symptoms» — to resolve conflicts, but to «cure» causes «disease». No one does not exclude the presence in the team is unmanaged or sverhemotsionalnye employees, who often are the instigators of the conflict, provocateurs. With them it is necessary to conduct a separate study, to trace the emergence of preconflict stage latent conflict, that it did not pass into the open, this will save the company and employees a number of resources — both psychological and material. It is important to understand why people conflicts, than he’s not happy, to understand his motivation is the key to Your argument and constructive conflict resolution.


Grishin NV Psychology of conflict, 2008

Skibicki EG, skibicka IU Fundamentals of business communication, 2008

Bragin Margarita

Recruitment company AVICONN