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Practice promotion and recognition

Practice promotion and recognitionRecognition of employees plays an important role in enhancing the motivational component of each employee in the company. If the promotion of employees in the company is effectively realized, it certainly is a positive incentive system to increase performance, and increase employee loyalty to the company.

In view of the fact that our business is quite specific and all our work is aimed at achieving results, so the company Avicon actively practiced rating of «successful» employees are allocated space in the achievement of results for the reporting month. At the General meetings and the meetings it is always voiced, after which the successful employee will be given the title of «champion of the month». All this information is posted on the Bulletin Board information, which simultaneously serves as a «Board of honor».

All projects initiated by employees, are always evaluated, the initiative is not punishable if there is rationality and commercial efficiency projects are implemented and embedded in practice. The results of such projects shall be informed all employees. The employee that this project was initiated and implemented, please prepare an educational program or a master class on the subject and to share with colleagues methodology and specifics.

In practice applied the factors of financial motivation for the fulfillment of targets employees receive an additional premium payment, so they can earn an additional bonus for attracting new customers.

Undoubtedly, the recognition of the employees affects the level of job satisfaction of the employee and affects other team members, thereby stimulating their growth performance. Therefore, the recognition of employees is one of the main means of ensuring high productivity workers.

Hoodoba Ekaterina

Head office, Moscow

Recruitment company AVICONN