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Selection of MP in 2015. Changes in the requirements of the companies

Selection of MP in 2015. Changes in the requirements of the companiesPharmaceutical business in Russia began to develop since the early 90-ies of XX century, and many Western pharmaceutical companies set high requirements for candidates for the post of medical representative. How are things now? What has changed? Will help to understand this article.

admission Requirements job for Medical representatives have changed over time, gradually agastaches, as medical representatives is the face of pharmaceutical companies. Now this profession is one of the most sought after in companies producing drugs.

Position «Medical representative» appeared in Russia in the 90s years of the twentieth century, because during this period in Russia came from foreign pharmaceutical companies. At this position there was a huge competition and it was understood that the person applying for this position, was to be a practitioner of the same specialty, drugs to promote. And this is in addition to the ability to speak in front of a large audience, interpersonal skills, stress tolerance and other similar qualities. Knowledge of English at the free level, it was mandatory, because the leadership at this stage in the representative Offices of Western companies – these were the expats who Russian spoke, all materials were translated as well as Medical representatives. Over time the state pharmaceutical companies grew and the staff of Medical representatives in companies was growing. It is worth noting that the structure of the companies was also changed and the requirements for Medical representatives declined quite a bit, as there was the marketing Department, research Department and so on. But remained at a fairly high level.

Deviate from history and go back in our time.

Now the requirements of pharmaceutical companies differ from the requirements at the start of pharmaceutical business in Russia to this profession. They continue to change, but less significantly than then. Still very sought after knowledge in the medical field, but also play an important role the sales skills and experience in relevant positions. As doctors and pharmacy staff who wish to become Medical representatives, was not enough, the requirements for education have changed. Pharmaceutical companies began taking people with secondary medical education and any of higher or the highest adjacent, but these people must possess selling skills and have experience of working in a relevant position for at least 1 year and to achieve certain successes in work. Also the candidate must have a certain set of personal qualities such as drive for results, interpersonal skills, flexibility, customer focus and so on. And without a higher education, even with semi-professional, it is extremely difficult to get into first-tier companies included in the top 5. Having specialized education, but without experience, you can get in the companies, TOR the top 15 pharmaceutical companies in the world. Of course, the man needs to have certain personal qualities and skills.

Another requirement — driving license category «b» and driving experience not less than six months, because mostly all the pharmaceutical companies provide the car.

But still perfect medical representative is the man who is perfectly versed in their drugs, the disease, which treat the drugs included in the portfolio, and all related matters. He is able to convince the officer of health, that is promoting the drug — should order or buy.

Gavrilova Daria

Recruitment company AVICONN

The recruitment consultant.