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Why to hire staff through a recruitment Agency profitable?

Why to hire staff through a recruitment Agency profitable?Currently recruiting staff through a recruitment Agency became one of the most comfortable and reliable methods of attracting new employees to the company.

What are the advantages and benefits of recruitment through recruitment agencies?

Expertise. Proven Agency is an expert in the market and is well-versed in the selection of one or another specialist.

a Qualified contractor. Consultants who work on vacancies, qualified professionals, involved in personnel selection in a particular direction.
Running an extensive database of candidates. One of the many advantages of this large database of candidates, because recruiters daily we search for candidates and fill it.

Reliability of information. All the information in the summary is checked, and professional, personal qualities, skills evaluated by Agency staff during a personal meeting. Accordingly, it is possible to count not only on volume but also on the quality of the database of candidates, having questionnaires rare specialists, managers, and staff to narrow sectors of the market.

Reduction and optimization of business processes within the company-employer. recruitment Agency is a filter that weeds out the stream of candidates, facilitating the choice of the employer.

Quality selection and representative sample. All the candidates are serious selection process consisting of several stages. First, the consultants selected suitable resumes, conduct phone interviews, the results of which with the most appropriate candidates conduct a personal interview, during which define compliance professional skills, set personal qualifications for the desired position. Ultimately, only successful candidates will be presented to the customer.

a Significant time saving. Recruitment Agency undertakes the work on search, selection of candidates, the employer does not need to collect recommendations, verification of all information submitted by the applicant, arranging a personal meeting with the candidate. All these stages is the most time consuming and labor — fall entirely on the shoulders of the Agency.

Confidentiality. Recruiters provide applicants with only the information about the customer, which he had previously approved. Confidentiality is one of the principles of the Agency’s work.

The possibility of latent find the right specialist. Not every employer is willing to publish information about the opened position, about the company, terms of employment, wages due to a number of both internal organizational and external market factors. At the same time, recruitment company — this is the buffer that will attract the maximum number of candidates, if you cannot open search with wide advertising vacancies in the media.

Reduce costs in the state. staffing companies is a complex, time-consuming work, requiring a qualified employee with a constant payment, often not small. However, personnel did not necessarily exist permanently. In the case of episodic recruitment recruiters actually save money that the employer would spend on maintenance, work places and wages staff staff Manager.

Warranty on the result. Important advantage is that the recruitment Agency guarantees on their services. If an employee is terminated the employment contract during a predetermined period in the contract between the Agency and the company, the Agency provides free guaranteed replacement, when this matter was, whether terminated the employment contract on the initiative of the employer, or has initiated the employee. All costs for new search recruitment Agency takes over.

In conclusion, it should be noted that recruitment through recruitment agencies is one way of finding employees, but choosing it, the company can achieve a win-win option.

Margarita Ivanova

Recruitment company AVICONN

Consultant recruitment