Each medical representative is trying to bring maximum profit for your company, and when the peak is reached, it would seem to grow nowhere else. This is not so for the employee can be trusted not only common, but also key customers. Such customers, which make exceptionally large orders in volume and amount. This new level represents an increase in wages and additional bonuses, so responsible. What is the level of pay of such employees was in 2015 in the overview from Anna Tykhenko.
In this paper we consider wage levels of managers on work with key clients in pharmaceutical companies.
For a start it is necessary to understand who the Manager on work with key clients (KAM). In fact it’s the same a medical representative, but a bit higher level of communication with clients. Usually KAM is responsible for attracting, keeping and developing key clients for the company. The territory responsibility for this position is extended – this could be a single city, or several cities.
Kamov also can be divided according to areas:
- hospital KAM (the promotion of the interests of the company at the level of the first persons in government agencies, hospitals and medical environment);
- pharmacy KAM (KAM work with pharmacy networks), sales and distribution development in assigned to it pharmacy chains, ensures compliance with commercial policy, overseeing advertising campaigns and merchandising programmes (the latter deals with OTC-drugs);
- CAM for work with distributors (commercial KAM).
Turning to the financial topic, it is worth noting that there are differences in the system of wages of Russian and Western companies, the TOP 10 companies and the level below. Based on the analysis conducted on the data portals with posted vacancies from pharmaceutical companies and collect data from internal database of the company «Avikon» in this table I represented the salaries of managers on work with key clients in medical companies.
Minimum wage |
Average salary |
Higher wages |
to |
to |
to |
80 000 |
110000 |
110000 |
160000 |
160000 |
170000 |
it’s Also worth noting that Kama, as well as medical representatives, are the so-called «field» employees, bringing profit to the company. Accordingly, their wage includes in addition to the salary (shown in table), the bonuses on transactions, bonuses at year-end, the social. package – car, food, medical insurance and insurance package, provision of means of communication and the Internet. Some companies present discounts on gym, learning foreign languages.
Tykhenko Anna
Consultant recruitment
Recruitment company AVICONN