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Networking in recruitment

Networking in recruitmentFor anybody not a secret that in the era of advanced information technologies increasingly prominent place in human life is the Internet. One can endlessly talk about Internet addiction and adverse effects on human health. At the same time you cannot deny the positive aspects of the world wide web. Very few people can imagine their lives and work without a computer.

Thanks to the global information space have the opportunity to acquire new relationships and connections. Get acquainted with colleagues from other companies to share experiences or news. Increasingly, this is indicated by the concept of networking.

Networking (eng. networking, net — network and work — work) is a social and professional activities, aimed at using the circle of friends and acquaintances quickly and effectively solve complex problems and business issues. At this point is to build trust and long term relationships with people and help each other.

Networking is applicable in any sphere of life. For example, thanks to him you can profitably sell an apartment, find a client to hire a good employee.

the recruiter is always in the search, using a variety of tools in their Arsenal. To get fresh data on the status of the candidate HR networking is indispensable. It is important to establish a positive contact with the candidate. By means of Internet is the ability to do it, to talk in a relaxed and confidential environment. Not everyone is willing to talk openly about what dissatisfied with their work and considers the options of her shift.

today, one of the largest business networks in Russia are: LinkedIn, «My Circle», Professionali.ru. Also, on these sites have services placement vacancies. Everyone can go and watch an interesting position, to analyze the market, to acquire the business partners.

LinkedIn. All large momentum gaining this professional portal. It is a communication platform for the serious people on serious topics. Here you can propiarit your company, make right connections, as well as find valuable Manager.

Social networks are a great source of professionals. When used properly, these resources can be found the needed specialties in the required fields.

In many social networks now created a special group where you can discuss pressing issues, get acquainted with new trends in the market. On such sites the recruiter or direct the employer may place the vacancy, meet with specialists, to offer you a job or ask for recommendations.

should Not be underestimated and these portals as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki.ru, Facebook, Twitter. Millions of people daily visit their page, read the news friends, chatting on various topics. Through these sites you can look at the person in an informal setting, get acquainted with the interests and Hobbies.

Professional portals. Information storehouse when searching for specialists in narrow fields. Here you can learn about the companies-leaders in the market, to assess the advantages and disadvantages of competitors. Chat on the forum, ask questions, talk about pressing. Often, these sites advertise and their contacts specialists, which if not interested in finding a new job, you at least will help the Council.

When searching for employees all good. In any case, the social network has long ceased to be used only for informal communication, now it is one of the tools to build your career and acquisition of necessary connections. They should be used and needed. And whether or not to use these resources, You decide.


  • ordaclub.timepad.ru/event/124889/
  • ru.science.wikia.com/wiki/networking
  • http://experttraining.ru/4-principa-aktivnogo-nalazhivaniya-delovyx-kontaktov/
  • networking.ypa-ph.com/

Daria Kuraev

Recruitment company AVICONN

Consultant recruitment