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Non-standard questions in an interview — how to respond

Non-standard questions in an interview — how to respondNon-standard questions in the interview, probably the most interesting experience for job seekers. This is an important and difficult moment, on the one hand, you can correct not a very good interview, and on the other hand, can be reduced below zero all Your positive impression to this question.

we’ve All seen and read the lists of the most strange and seemingly absurd questions from the world’s leading companies. In connection with promotion of this method of selection of candidates, all from large to small companies began to follow the trend and set the process is quite formal interviews unusual and unexpected questions or cases.

I’m not sure that You will ask questions about elephants and refrigerators, but preparing to either the recruiter or potential leader will suddenly ask You a couple of questions some of the common standard. All this in order to understand how You think in a given situation, how build a logical chain and when you come to the answer. Often the questions there is no right answer, they can be, check if mathematical or technical skills. Be prepared that You can ask questions of a personal nature. Do not forget that the work You devote most of the time, and it has a great impact on the personal aspects of Your life, and Vice versa.

the most important Thing is not to be silent, and not to utter the phrase «I don’t know», it will be Your biggest mistake. If You understand that the issue has put You in a deadlock, begin boldly to think aloud to draw or sketch plan of action, if You prefer, ask additional questions for deeper understand the asked question. Quite, you can make a joke in response to the question, but then it is still worth serious to discuss. Such questions help you to show yourself, even if You are not formally meet the criteria or You don’t have enough experience for this position, Your thinking and innovative approach may persuade the company to Your candidacy. Do not hesitate, do not react aggressively, do not be silent, show up action and reasoning, but do not pour a stream of incoherent words that do not describe Your actions or reasoning.

To ask unusual questions? Usually people with no work experience in the proposed field of activity or creative people, as such questions may ask if you have specialist will face unusual problems, or is starting a new project where there is no well-established schemes of the project.

you should also pay attention to the competence of the specialist who ask such questions, they are not always appropriate and not always necessary. Therefore, hearing unusual question or case, pondering the answer, it is important to ask what is the purpose in Your opinion pursues a specialist to check your professional competence or personal, and depending on this as correct answer.

non-standard questions are asked to identify from a number of candidates who fit the company’s type of thinking, the logic of action and even to check Your views on business ethics. Put yourself in the hiring company, You yourself would you continue to consider a candidate who is on Your non-standard, but the thoughtful question will answer «I don’t know» or «I can’t even imagine what to do».
You can look on the Internet or forums most popular questions that are likely to ask You.

Here are some examples:

  • If You were reduced to the size of a 5 cent coin, and your mass is proportionally reduced accordingly your density. Now you are thrown into an empty glass blender. Knives will start moving after 60 seconds. What to do?
  • You are the captain of a pirate ship and your team is going to vote, how to divide the loot gold. If you’re going to be under less than half of the pirates, you will die. How do you divide the gold, so to get a good share of the booty, but just to stay alive?
  • How many times per day the clock overlap?
  • Why manholes are doing round? [1]

Summing up we can say that non-standard questions is another way to Express themselves and to achieve the desired position.

I Wish You success and good luck!

[1] — Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/15-google-interview-questions-that-will-make-you-feel-stupid-2009-11

Makhmutova Dinara ,

Recruitment company AVICONN

Consultant recruitment