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Medical representatives in Russia and abroad: General and special

Medical representatives in Russia and abroad: General and specialMany medical representatives or those planning a career in this field, an interesting specifics of foreign colleagues. Someone from job seekers or professionals that can help easier to understand foreign colleagues or managers, for someone it is necessary for adjustments to its work as a medical representative.

the Essence of the work activities of Medical representative uniform, regardless of what country and what continent it works.

Its goal is the advancement of medicine through personal contacts with physicians, administration, hospitals, pharmacists. The main goal – increasing sales of company’s products.

Technology of the visit, the form of training events, the sequence of the target audience is the same, which is why many foreign companies have successfully broadcast their technology and teach them Russian colleagues.

Total just to see, it is obvious and evident.

But the differences and peculiarities — veiled and require understanding of the context.

first, often draw attention to the fact that Russia is the largest number of Medical representatives with higher medical education (about 80 – 90 %), while abroad — does not reach 20%.
This is because in many countries the medical profession is highly paid and is very prestigious. Doctors along with lawyers and attorneys are the most respected members of society, therefore, proceed on the profession of Medical representative has no reasonable basis.

a Board Certified physician, moving to the post of Medical representative, and loses in money and status and prospects.

In Russia, one of the main motives for the transition doctor of practice in the profession of Medical representative is the desire to increase financial wealth. Those doctors who do manage to reach a decent level of their pay, go into the pharmaceutical business rarely and with great difficulty.
Secondly, it is noted that Medical representatives abroad are more stable in their work, altering the company rarely, usually working in the same place 5 years or more.

getting a job in a company overseas, Medical representatives begin to examine not only the product that they promote, and General medical information. To become a successful and confident professional have to be very actively involved and invest in the profession. In addition, the pharmaceutical business abroad the most stable and reliable, so in such prestigious companies to work, and employees appreciate and value their work. Pharmaceutical business vasocontraction. And people, even without medical training, is forced to constantly grow intellectually, that just makes his work attractive.

For the Russian medical representatives characteristic change companies on average every 2 years and the prevailing reason is still a desire to improve the financial component and the improvement of the social package. Of course, it’s not all the reasons.

Medical representatives Often change a company for career growth. If your company promotion to a higher position does not occur in the first 2 to 3 years, the candidate seeks to «increase» in the other.

abroad to advance their careers, often need to get additional business education and pass additional exams, and this rarely happens earlier than in 5-7 years at one place.

third, not unimportant, and that payment of the labour MP abroad is higher by almost 2 times. Keep in mind that taxes are higher about 2 times. These factors determine the stability of the work of Medical representatives abroad.

There is another feature. In Russia the doctor, coming to the post of Medical representative, often at first feels awkward as a seller, he needs time to get used to a new role. While on professional topics he can speak with colleagues on an equal footing, can deeply understand the needs of the physician and the characteristics of the impact of the drug. If he mastered in his profession, he may need less time to start to work as a Medical representative.

Medical representatives abroad, by contrast, feel more confident in sales, but they need more time to get comfortable with a medical theme. This often delays the process of transition to a new qualitative level.

Thus, if the similarities in the work of Medical representative come from the specificity of the profession, especially from a professional and social context, which is important to understand and consider when broadcast technologies, Medical representative in a particular country.

Inna Lobzow

The recruitment consultant.

Recruiting company AVICONN