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Corporate events need or whim

Corporate events need or whimCommitment to the corporate culture is valuable as an employee. This means that the person is part of a company that belongs to it. What can you do? How to form the person that «corporatism»?

There are activities aimed at the creation of a «corporate spirit». According to recent trends have increased the demand for celebrations, increase employee loyalty and commitment to the organization.

Corporate events came to us from Europe and America in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries By this point, employers have understood that an employee who works not only to earn, but also «for the idea», works more effectively, and therefore brings more profit to the company.

In these days of corporate activities occupy an important part of corporate culture as a tool for effective team building.

If we talk about the kinds of corporate events, they are both holiday and business.

What are the advantages of corporate events in the modern business relations?

In whatever form was not conducted corporate event or simply «events», they have different objectives, for example:

  • team Unity.
  • Adaptation of new employees.
  • Elimination of some «barrier» between management and subordinates.
  • Summing-up of the company.
  • encourage the best employees of the company.
  • Motivation to improve performance in the next year, and therefore increase profits.

Who would, what did not, and the main goal of any business is to increase profits. Many companies widely practiced activities for summarizing years of work. For example, pharmaceutical companies spend cycle meeting. They are a special format of corporate events. It «corporate parties» win the regular meetings and «dry» statements. Informally any information more accessible. It is easier to convey to the entire team who works well, and who should make more efforts. With their help it is possible not only to motivate lagging employees increase the efficiency and the best employees to «new peaks», but also to solve many questions on the further development of the company. As «parties» to promote the relations between superior and subordinate. For guidance, which is directly interested in the prosperity of their company, it is necessary to know the internal atmosphere of the team, rather than live their subordinates than they pleased and not pleased.

When the adaptation of new employees corporate event, could not be better suited for a closer relationship between colleagues. Easier to meet new staff in an informal setting. As a rule, after such events the colleagues have common topics to discuss. The first place you can put the theme «how we held the party.

From all the above we can conclude that the corporate culture is one of the engines of any business. If the employee does not like something, then his work will be less productive.

As we can see, corporate events are a great favor for the company.

Try to find out, is there any disadvantages to these events.

Informal atmosphere, alcohol and music can lead to closer communication between colleagues of the opposite sex, so-called «office romances». We all know that many companies do not welcome a loving relationship in the workplace, because it is on the contrary reduces the efficiency of both employees. Corporate events for family people can lead to quarrels and divorce. Although some companies have welcomed the holding celebrations, inviting relatives of the employee, but not so much.

also on the background of alcohol may be renewed old resentment among colleagues. The result: the fight and forced the dismissal.

But, nevertheless, the advantages from the «corporate events» more than the minuses. You just need to follow a clear plan focused exclusively on problem solving.

If everything is organized correctly, «corporate» will be useful for business development.

Below, provide the results of the survey Agency NN, as the employees themselves relate to corporate events:

  • According to the survey Agency NN, one in five office worker hates corporate parties. These are the findings of a sociological survey conducted by the recruitment Agency, HeadHunter.
  • Analysts have concluded that more than 22% of office workers consider them a necessary evil.
  • Most (26,1%) of office workers do not pursue any specific goals, attending parties, and just chatting with colleagues. 25.8% of the respondents use corporate parties to establish closer contacts with colleagues.
  • Every tenth attend these events with the sole purpose of free to eat and drink.
  • According to the survey, hired top managers of companies actively use «corporate» as a direct and informal communication with staff, while entrepreneurs often make them friendly contacts with the team and business — with guests and partners. They are also less likely hate the corporate or consider them a necessary evil, because in small private companies, they usually are a direct feed and at the owner’s expense.
  • In this case, as the results show, if up to 30 years, almost 12% of employees are on a corporate party just for free food, after 50 years, this motivation leads, only 4% of employees.
  • the Total number of managers and professionals, using the «parties» for the purpose of collecting dirt, small — less than 1% of the total. The greatest percentage of those who closely monitors the behavior of employees, accounted for guidance Zveno

statistika — HH.Ru

Tatiana Kovalchuk

Consultant recruitment

Recruitment company AVICONN