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Corporate training

Corporate trainingNow, almost all large and small companies deal with issues of efficiency and development of its employees.

a Huge advantage for any company is its efficient staff, and the level of its development is determined by the competence of the personnel. Therefore, the issues of corporate training is very relevant at the moment.

companies have departments of education and staff development. If the company is not very big, there are separate employee who conducts trainings by request of Department heads.
Training is the primary when a new employee joins the company and give him the so-called introductory information about the company and its product — it can be a presentation format and holds it, as a rule, the Manager of the human resources Department or corporate trainer.

Regular systematic training is conducted for employees who are constantly working in a changing environment without losing its efficiency, for example for the salesperson.
Sometimes it is a one-time training for team cohesion (team building), in time management, project management, and so on.

Training, as mentioned earlier, can conduct training Manager, or employee training Agency. When the internal coach has its cons: employee daily deals with problems of a company that does not allow him to look at the task differently and see new solutions. The ratio of staff to the head coach as to «own» the man often hinder the perception of the material. Training format may be quite different: lecture, seminar, training, business games, e-learning, webinar. What is a seminar and lecture — I think to explain it is not necessary. Let’s talk more about the latter.

Training implies the development of skills in practice. The training conditions are created as close to the real work of the employee, there is a transfer of knowledge from the coach employees and their immediate development.

Business game — mimics the decision making of managers or professionals in different work situations is carried out according to the rules set by a group of people or a person with a PC in a dialog mode, when there is conflict situations or information uncertainty (belchikov J. M., M. Birshtein M., 1989).

Distance education, usually held at the corporate portals. Employees can download the necessary training materials themselves become acquainted with them, then communicate with the coach through correspondence, during and at the end of the training, pass the test and exams.

Webinars allow online training, it can be the presentation of new products or services with different number of group employees. The action is not much different from classroom training, there is also the presenter and the audience. But every employee is at the screen of his computer. Participants can ask questions of the presenter during the webinar.

the Coach can conduct employee surveys, controlling the absorption of the material, to demonstrate through the Internet slides, pictures, videos, etc.

Learning can take place in the office, and can be visiting. It also has its pros and cons. Offsite training is very memorable to all employees. Training in the office of the company is not facing charges, but may distract employees from training operational issues.

of Course, at the end of any training event is very important to monitor its effectiveness.

This task can be performed by the coach, which conducted the training, a Department head or other person. Compare the performance of employees, before and after training. For example, training on sales, I can say that after conducting sales increase, employees are motivated out with fire in his eyes, focused on the work. But unfortunately, the effect lasts for as long as I would like. Therefore, this training is best done regularly, then the employees will be able to share their experiences and together with the coach at practice to resolve the issues raised.

it is also Important to make training materials something new, but sometimes even long-serving employees will not hurt to refresh their knowledge. As they say Repetition is the mother of learning!

materials Used:

  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporationavenue
  • dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/1529359
  • zestora.ru/razd1/1371576671.html

Julia Schur,

Recruitment company AVICONN

Head office