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Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibilityCurrently, the interaction between business and society, are particularly relevant. As the development of production, scientific-technical progress, urbanization, life arise and sharpen a new, extremely complex issues: environmental, socio-economic, technical, informational, cultural, etc. From a complex solution of these problems depends the future of civilization.

Many of the leaders of today’s businesses understand the importance of this process and give these issues a high priority.

the Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility emerged in the middle of the last century. Scientists-sociologists was reflected in the phenomenon of the inclusion of business in solving social problems.
The first definition of social responsibility in 1953, gave Bowen: «the Social responsibility of business is to implement such a policy, making decisions or following such a line of conduct that would be desirable for the purposes and values of society».

There are different viewpoints on the causes of this phenomenon.

Some researchers argue that the business is engaged in social projects to better address its primary objective of increasing competitiveness and profitability. Implementation of social projects of different levels improves a company’s reputation, increases the trust of potential customers, makes the company’s position in the market more stable, allows us to attract the best employees and partners.
Other researchers believe that the original goal of any entrepreneur and businessman — the conversion of the world to improve the living conditions of the people. According to this approach, social responsibility is a natural extension of entrepreneurial activity.

Even before the emergence of the concept of CSR existed Patronage, which was implemented this direction and created conditions for the support and development of education, art and other social projects.

nowadays, the business projects on CSR is a complex, multilevel process. It is not only interaction with external social forces (support of educational, health, innovative programs in various sectors of society), but also the development of developing social environment within the company. Creating a corporate culture based on the principles of vzaimoobraschennost, mutual aid, respect.

an example of a comprehensive implementation of such a program can serve the pharmaceutical company Abbott. In an interview with «Sustainable business» Director of corporate social responsibility Susan Beverly noted that the principles of social responsibility are integrated into all aspects of the business. She notes that these principles are manifested not only in charity, but in such projects as cooperation with Research Institute of chemical diversity (IIHR)within the Russian research and investment group «Chemrar». The main goal is to develop new, more convenient forms of release of drug from Abbott, which will improve patients ‘ adherence to therapy and to reduce the drug load on the body of patients. The project objectives will be achieved through the development and application of modern technologies and the introduction of new pharmaceutical forms of these drugs.

as she said drawing competition for children with cystic fibrosis, «Star brush», which took place in 2012, Abbott supported the organization of the competition as part of its long-term activities aimed at training and raising awareness about cystic fibrosis in Russia and help patients and their families in maintaining an active lifestyle. The contest «Star brush» was awarded the prestigious pharmaceutical industry «platinum ounce» in the category «Project of the year».

in Addition, one of the most important social projects in the company is considered to be the training and development of employees, creation of conditions for their professional growth. 1

This is one of the examples of modern approaching the development of the concept of CSR, which shows that cooperation between business and society — a creative and inspiring process, leading to improved living conditions for all participants of this process.

1 http://www.csrjournal.com/interview/6815-pervyy-otchet-abbott-o-korporativnoy-socialnoy-otvetstvennosti-v-rossii.html

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