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Corporate culture

Corporate cultureThe theme of corporate culture is extensive. On it write a thesis, conduct research, invest heavily for its formation in the organization. From what is related to such a high scientific and practical interest in this phenomenon?

Corporate (organizational) culture is a complex phenomenon interdisciplinary manner, the study of which is engaged in management, psychology, cultural studies and other disciplines. Corporate culture can be described complex socio-psychological phenomena inherent in formal or informal group that has a certain structure, which includes elements such as the idea of (the mission), the myth (history, legend, tradition, rules (rules of conduct), values. Corporate culture can be artificially created and maintained special forces system or formed spontaneously, leaving it in the system groups the most appropriate and necessary for the group of sub-structures and elements.

Corporate holidays and important dates, the hymn of the company, internal awards for professional success, stories about the creation of the company, «stories» about the employees of the company, reflecting the curious cases or example of the commitment of the company all the elements of corporate culture.

Corporate culture is the spirit of the organization, is what unites the hearts and minds of employees, that should, ultimately, to increase productivity and loyalty to the employer. In addition to the material, there is the so-called non-material motivation of the employee. At work we spend most of its life, and therefore, the atmosphere at work, relationship to employee management, relations play an important role in the motivation of an employee as a job in General and in this specific company in particular.

some theory. One of the founders of organizational psychology, studying in particular and corporate culture can be considered an American social psychologist Edgard Shane, and one of the first extensive scientific work on organizational culture can be called «Organizational anthropology of Hertha Hofstede is the result of 20 years of research work values held in 64 countries around the world. Based on these studies, Hofstede allocated 5 parameters, different organizational cultures of different countries.

1st option — «collectivism-individualism». There is a strong influence of national culture, national identity. Most collective culture in Japan, the most individualistic in the USA. Russia is in an intermediate position between individualism and collectivism.

2nd option — «power distance». Reflects the degree of remoteness of the head from the slave, the presence of the head of special rights. The greatest distance in the countries of Central Asia, the lowest distance — in some organizations, the U.S. and Western countries, and lowest in the Netherlands. Russia on this option also takes an intermediate position.

3rd option — «masculinity — femininity». «Masculinity» culture — focus on external tasks, aggressiveness, toughness, focus on tasks. «Femininity» culture is to focus not on tasks and relationships, caring about employees. The highest level of masculinity culture in the United States, France, and Germany. The most «feminine» cultures represented in the countries of Northern Europe, Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway). In Russia each region cooperates with certain States. Depending on what culture in these States, this kind of culture in Russia. For example, in St. Petersburg, North-West — «feminine» culture, Moscow — under the influence of the United States, the Volga region — under the influence of Moscow, so the control is also hard, focus on the task («masculine» culture).

4th parameter «tolerance of uncertainty». Determines the degree of reglametrirovannoe all works, the presence of regulatory documents, when nothing is left to the discretion of the employee. The most tolerant of uncertainty — Japan. USA — «specific» country written all the steps and actions of the employee.

5th option — «temporary organization». In accordance with this criteria are distinguished: 1) the company planning the future and on a long term (Sony, Panasonic is planning to 250 years), 2) the organization focused on the present, 3) living in the past.

There are many typologies of corporate cultures. I will give an example of the so-called order («order» — the order) the concept of organizational psychology, developed desiray operating a business coach Aksenovskaya LN. In the basis of the concept of socio-psychological nature of culture, which is generated by the interaction of managerial nature. The semantic system of people determine and direct managerial interaction, which occurs organizational culture.

1st model of organizational culture — the «Parent». This model of corporate culture is characterized by paternalism, emotional unity, care about people, solving their problems. The main semantic construct — «caring for people», the structure is «family».

2nd model — the «command», is characterized by rigidity, orders, penalties. The meaning of his life and work is the goal. The main semantic construct — «care about the»structure «army».

3rd model «Pasterka». a Sense of purpose — the meaning of sacrifice, to which people will go. The main semantic construct — «care about the idea.»
Only the connection of all three models of organizational culture enable the company to be successful.

Corporate culture is an important motivator of employees, affecting productivity, loyalty to the company, the «turnover» of personnel. Therefore, you cannot miss this important moment in personnel management, the team, the entire organization as a whole.


Aksenovskaya LN. Order the concept of organizational culture: issues of methodology, 2005.
Aksenovskaya LN. Order model of organizational culture, 2007.
Shane AH Organizational culture and leadership, 2002
Hofstede G. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, 1991.

Bragin Margarita

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