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How to prepare for the interview when applying for a job

How to prepare for the interview when applying for a jobWe all know that it is impossible twice to make a first impression, but in the important moments and the search for a new job as such — often forget the basics of successful communication.

let’s Start with the fact that many job seekers absolutely not preparing for the presentation of himself HR Manager, or too actively hurry to «report» about themselves, or rather passively answer questions. Avoiding these mistakes will help thorough study of self-presentation and understanding of the process.

Your skills is a potential product that you sell to the best advantage for itself in the market of employers, so the interview is available.

Take a basis of seven steps active sales:

  • Preparation for meeting with the client.
  • contact.
  • Identification of the needs of the client.
  • Presentation of the goods.
  • Work with objections.
  • the transaction.
  • Additional sales.

Consider the most subservient to the us stage is the preparation for the meeting with the «client», i.e. Your potential employer.

read in Advance about the company, the job at which You were invited, highlight key points, which brings the company your presentation, prepare for them the key messages about Your experience and Your skills.

Plan variations answer: more concise and detailed, they will allow You to be prepared in a more compact way to describe one experience and unlock more different. Create a feeling of order of your speech: smooth and logical transition from one thought to another, not to be confused in work experience, position, period of employment, the numbers of achievements in functionality. Even if you really are worried, this information must be absolutely consistent and logical, as it will be assessed and your honesty and responsibility, with respect to an executable work, because if you don’t remember the name of the chief, tasks, or functions, you must admit, it’s hard to believe that you actually worked in this position.

Prepare for clarifications and comments, as well as to provocative questions, ask them, usually with the purpose of stress testing purposes, responsiveness, flexibility of thinking, and not with the purpose to confuse you or «fill up». Cite specific examples associated with facts, figures and indicators, prepare material, if You do not remember even a small portfolio will represent you as a prudent and experienced specialist.

an Interesting variant of self-presentation: prepare a few topical jokes, if You understand that Your potential Manager’s sense of humor is a positive selection criterion. Usually, we prefer to communicate with a friendly and cheerful people, both in work and in life.

Rehearse at home in front of the mirror its self-presentation, speech rate, pronunciation, think of where it would be appropriate to make a pause. Prepare in advance the success stories and the history of failure, remember, what conclusions did You make after the failed project and what methods and techniques were able to achieve success later.

do Not forget that Your preparation You favorably differ from the number of candidates for this vacancy will show a potential employer Your motivation and desire to work in this company, and You are in the process of preparing more time thinking about how perfect You this company.

I Wish You good luck and success!!!

Dinara Makhmutova

Recruitment company AVICONN

Consultant recruitment