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HR-brand of the industry or profession

HR-brand of the industry or professionRecently, in some industries it is possible to note the common efforts of employers towards promoting not only brand your company, but also industry, or profession in General. For example, energy or aviation as a sphere of work, raising the prestige of the profession trade representative or the seller in the retail, etc.

the Pros and cons of this approach, for which sectors of the combined efforts of companies is especially important?

first we need to deal with the concept of «prestige of the profession». Under this you can relate to the fashion profession, and its vysokooplachivaemoi, and social orientation. While for some, doctor, for example, be a prestigious is important for a society work, social and humanistically oriented, for someone is a thankless job due to low wages.

the Concept of prestige is associated with human values. In addition to financial rewards, work one way or another should bear moral satisfaction, to meet the professional and personal interests. The key to raising the prestige of the profession lies in its advertising that contains semantic construct, involving specific values: status, self-realization, creativity, material security, social orientation.

as a result of changing economic and political system in Russia in the 90-ies of XX century has inevitably changed the system life priorities. In Soviet times was considered prestigious engineering, technical specialty, at one time there was a boom of interest in the defense and electronics industries, during the flight, Y. Gagarin to space exploration, aviation.

the Situation of the new time, market relations introduced in the first ranks of the profession, trade-related, marketing, Economics, profession, who were able to «feed». From abroad were flooding the goods, domestic producers were at a loss, followed by reduction and closure of enterprises. Over the last 20-25 years, many professions were just forgotten, so their prestige has fallen considerably. Even if today’s students and technical education, after graduation they are mainly in the area of trade, many people want to open their own business.

raising the prestige of technical workers is impossible without support at the state level, because the media focus is now more easy and beautiful life, which did not correspond with the work at the factory. In addition to creative advertising and attractive compensation package should be in schools, visits to enterprises, actively working with universities. But this is a rant, the actual process of raising the status of the profession not the task of one year.

What can be the pros and cons of raising the prestige of the profession? Pros — the development of specific segments of the economy, cons — deceived expectations of certain people.

Finally, here is a perfect example of the increasing prestige of the profession: in, Saratov on one of the Central streets of the city there’s a big Billboard with the text: «do you Want to benefit people? Want girls ran to meet You or behind You? Wish You were waiting for at any time and in any weather? «Saratovgorelectrotrans» invites drivers trolleybus and tram.»


Margarita Bragin,

Recruitment company AVICONN

Consultant recruitment