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Want to be a Medical representative!

Want to be a Medical representative!Want to be a medical representative! For several years, this phrase can be heard from clinicians, pervostolnik, and more recently young specialists — graduates are increasingly thinking about how to choose the profession of a representative pharmaceutical company.

there are several reasons:

  • of course, a medical representative is a promising profession that allows you to realize itself and opens up career prospects;
  • the ability to extend the range of his interests, tasks, and new acquaintances, not to lose ties with the medical community;
  • opportunity to improve working conditions or simply to earn more.

it is No secret that more and more pharmaceutical companies recruit candidates without experience in sales, following the old principle of «easier to teach than to retrain». But why not all accept into its ranks pharmaceutical companies?

First contact with the formal requirements, which are dictated by the market in our country. In most cases, for a start, higher education, and preferably medical or pharmaceutical, big chances and owners of biological, chemical or psychological education. Again, requirements vary from company to company, depending on the promoted products, directions and features of the region.

One key is understanding the meaning of the medical representative. Who is he? What is its main purpose? What’s visits, and what they need? That, again, is one of the main secrets of success: understanding the essence of this hard work and preparedness and response.
Requires knowledge and mastery of the technique of sales, strong communication skills and competent speech, ability to listen, persuade and work with common objections.

And that’s not all.

One of the most important success guide for beginners medical representatives is a set of personal qualities: proactive attitude and self-confidence. The work is not for «wimps» — and it is also about medical representatives! When stress and work on the result, You know firsthand. Quickly, with a sincere smile and interest are able to establish new contacts can carry interlocutor, using his talent, charm and agility of mind.

Since working in a pharmaceutical company involves not only active communication, but also required the planning and analysis of its activity, it is necessary to cultivate these qualities, to develop a sense of responsibility and self-organization. And the most important thing is to believe that You’re not just a seller, and the seller health» and genuinely love to do, then success is guaranteed!
Naturally, the city on your feet a lot not Naegeli — you must have a driving licence and a minimum driving experience of the year, because most companies offer their employees a corporate vehicle.

English at a high level is always to Your advantage, which will enable successful career in any direction, which would not have chosen (clinical research, marketing etc). To get started would be sufficient and middle English, to understand specialized programs.

«the Road will overcome the walking». This phrase is as old as the world, but it does not lose its relevance today. One desire is sometimes not enough, so no need to be lazy and to make every effort to prepare. There is a lot of literature on the mechanisms of the pharmaceutical market and all its cogs, books and manuals on methods and techniques of successful sales and presentations, a huge number of Internet resources with important and useful information to prepare for the interview.

Remember that flawless appearance — one of the guarantors of successful employment, as well as the right attitude. When You know where you are going and why — have a distinct advantage, and coupled with the desire to work for health — You certainly will succeed! So go for it!

Olga Eltysheva

Recruitment company AVICONN

Consultant recruitment