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What doctors think about medical representatives?

What doctors think about medical representatives?Probably each of us in one way or another interested in the opinions of others about us. But if You are a medical representative, then most likely You are interested in how You react to the doctors or what they think about You. In this article I would like to help You with the answer to these sensitive issues.

Xenia, doctor-ifiledialog, 30 years

Correspondent (To): Xenia, tell me, whether You medical representatives?

the Doctor is In: it is not often, at the moment I deal with patients who are prescribed a treatment hospitals. But when I was in General admission, the doctor-dermatologist, we regularly came.
To: How long does it usually takes such a visit, how goes?

Q: General admission is eternal race, on average, per shift can come 30 or more patients. If you fall in this period – it physically can’t spend as much time as I would like, but, if medical representative comes to the free time – I always enjoy talking with him because the information he carries reveals the action of a drug. I can ask them some specific questions, if I now, for example, have interesting patients. Another big plus is that they tell you about any new research is also important, it is not always possible the this information to find, but here you are.

To: Xenia, tell me, what you pay attention during communication with a medical representative?

B: of Course I primarily important that the drug, which says a representative. I mean, I know the drugs, and if he came to a powerful drug – it is important information, if any uninteresting to me – I already try to reduce the dialogue. Sometimes competent medical representatives and nice to talk with them, and sometimes so insecure or shows that he does not understand what he is talking about – he even ask question impossible with such I try to keep communication on there as quickly as possible.

Marina Valentinovna, a pediatric neurologist, 45 years old

Correspondent (To): Marina Valentinovna, have You medical representatives? How much time have You spent on such visits?

the Doctor (In): come To me mostly the same medical representatives for many years. To me they are like old friends, they already know at what point I can give them the time and when not.
To: what do You think, do these people? Profession?

Q: I believe that their existence is justified, i.e. if they are – then it should.

K: do You find them useful visits for yourself?

Q: for Those members that visit me, people are literate, well-versed in the issues, so I like to communicate with them – they always come with new information on existing drugs. There are sometimes new, stray. And that’s always seen as a person refers to work – seriously – and he continues to work, but if as a temporary part time – I think their success in the profession will not.
Natalia – gynecologist, 34

Correspondent (To): Natalia, I think Your direction popular with medical representatives? Perhaps they are Your frequent visitors?

the Doctor (In): Probably not more frequently than the others. I get on average 2-3 times a week – not too often.

To: Natalia, tell us, when You visit medical representatives, and when they distract You?

In: first of all, my attention depends on employment if I am really busy, then talk about it. Sometimes, the representative offers me to choose the option of coming on your own – then I designate and already trying to spend more time. If a medical representative knows his stuff, he feels, when I start to rush, then in a short time pronounces only the main important points. I generally prefer when the information is presented concisely, clearly, essentially. If I have questions I ask. And often, come any representative, «pull the rubber», nothing really can not say – well why would I want such a time to spend?!

Zhanna, dentist, 51

Correspondent (To): Zhanna, does dental trend popular among medical representatives? Please tell us how You feel about them.

the Doctor (In): Representatives visit us regularly! Any particularly useful info they are not – i.e. we have much more complete information obtained at the workshops. Medical representatives are useful because they bring samplers. So, I’ve never been a fan of 1 brand – unreasonably expensive, thought so. But try on samples of advertising – saw effect and can now be recommended in some cases, patients.

K: Can You recommend medical representatives? How to make their visit more necessary to You?

Q: we get a lot of permanent representatives, who are doing their job, and we help them to do it, though, as I said, information is very scarce. But much worse when it comes to us representative, we listen to him, he tries to overcome objections, promises to return with answers to the question – and disappears. Turns out – he for show have made a visit, and the promise, no. As we will see in the future? Of course, no one will associate with him, because he treated with contempt the elapsed time, while not keeping his word – it is not professional.

Tatiana, 28, cosmetologist

Correspondent (To): Tatiana, how often do You have medical representatives and do You find time to communicate with them?

the Doctor (In): Medical representatives are. Mainly come from the original Western drugs – in these companies are research – so the information is interesting – I try to spend time.
To: please Tell me, what’s important to You in the visit of the medical representative.
Q: of Course, always nice to talk with someone who understands what tells. If you are insecure or do not know the information – it makes no sense to waste time. If a medical representative is ready to dialogue, we can even discuss what expectations we have from the drug, what are you waiting for patients.

the Purpose of writing this article was to understand whether the negativity from doctors to medical representatives and what is «Evil doctor», the game about which are often used in various trainings. As it turned out, each doctor can be evil, if medical representative refers to the work negligently, illiterate or personal unpleasant. On the other hand, every doctor, seeing a Specialist is willing to listen to information, even if familiar with it, because he understands that repetition is the key to the animation.

summarizing the above statements, I will say, if you know their business, have information and strive to establish contact with the doctor – then You will find not only Success, but also a regular customer with whom it is possible professional collaboration for years to come!

Veronica Zelmanovsky,

The recruiter,

Recruiting company AVICONN