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The salaries of Managers of the Marketing Department for 2015, the forecast for 2016

The salaries of Managers of the Marketing Department for 2015, the forecast for 2016Provides an overview of the salaries of product managers and brand managers of pharmaceutical business in 2015 and the forecast level of salaries these specialists in 2016.
The article will be of interest to specialists in recruitment and job seekers.

Product Manager, Brand Manager is a specialist who promotes a certain product or group of products on the market. With the right positioning of the brand or product in the market, it is possible to increase or stabilize income from sales. This position is a key part of the business structure, because it influences the success of all existing or planned products.

For example, a Product Manager in the Pharmaceutical industry:


  • analysis of the situation on the markets of the entrusted products, market segmentation
  • monitoring of the market, studying suggestions and strategies to promote drugs by competitors;
  • Monitoring of consumer preferences, as well as the collection and analysis of information about competitors;
  • Selection and adjustment of the target audience;
  • Preparation of marketing plans for the products;
  • Management of investments within the allocated budget;
  • to liaise with leading KOL;
  • Training of medical representatives is entrusted with the tactics of promoting products.

Required qualifications and experience:

  • graduate medical education/ pharmaceutical education/ marketing education.
  • Experience in quality Manager for brand/product to a European pharmaceutical company.
  • Knowledge of English is above average (Upper-Inеrmediate).

table. Wages for 2015

Product manager with experience more than 3 years
the Russian company Companies TOP 10 European companies Indian companies Average value of all companies
160000 187000 170000 170000 175000
Product manager with experience from 1 to 3 years
the Russian company Companies TOP 10 European companies Indian companies Average value of all companies
143000 170000 160000 140000 150000
Product manager with experience less than 1 year
the Russian company Companies TOP 10 European companies Indian companies Average value of all companies
143000 170000 160000 140000 150000

As you can see from the table, the level of s.p. in different companies is different. It all depends on the status of the company and the employee experience. If to speak about forecasts for 2016, given the current market situation, do not expect great growth. But at the same time, the pharmaceutical market is very stable and the need for quality personnel remains.

Tsygankova Snezhana

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