To be an IT expert is not only honorable, but also profitable!
The quality of education received by specialists, has a direct relationship with the level of development and literacy application of information technology.
To obtain the education required is not simply a process of knowledge transfer, it is necessary to transfer more skills, and to do it systematically. Those who imparts knowledge, skills, must be competent in all respects.
the higher education System is, though not the only, but at the moment, officially the dominant base part of the Russian system of training the young generation of highly-skilled IT professionals. In Russia IT works with more than 270 colleges and Universities. Today IT specialist is a very popular profession. The main direction in the market IT is Programming, development». Also quite popular destinations «project Management», «Engineers», «System integration» and «Support Helpdesk».
What are the universities and institutions develop professional IT specialists?
based On the analysis of the largest database SuperJob and current rating of Russian Universities, including prepared annually RA Expert, has compiled a ranking among Universities, which produce more in-demand and well-paid IT spetsialistov. According to the site it is possible to allocate 33 Russian University, producing the training of IT specialists:
- MSU — Moscow state University. M.V. Lomonosov
- MEPhI national research nuclear University «MEPhI»
- MIPT — Moscow Institute of physics and technology (state University)
- NGU, Novosibirsk state University
- MSTU n.a. Bauman Moscow state technical University n.a. Bauman
- MIEM, Moscow state Institute of electronics and mathematics Institute of electronics and mathematics (technical University)
- NSTU, Novosibirsk state technical University
- the University of Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod state University. Lobachevsky (national research University)
- St. Petersburg state University St. Petersburg state University
- Ural Federal University Ural Federal University. the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin
- Saratov state technical University Saratov state technical University
- USATU — Ufa state aviation technical University
- the Kazan Federal University Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
- MAI — national research University, Moscow aviation Institute
- MIET — national research University Moscow Institute of electronic technology
- NSTU — Nizhny Novgorod state technical University n.a. Alexeev
- MEI — national research University Moscow power engineering Institute
- g — Orenburg state University
- PSU — Penza state University
- VSTU — Volgograd state technical University
- SPbSPU, Saint-Petersburg state Polytechnic University
- the University — Tula state University
- of mechanical engineering Department ISTU — Izhevsk state technical University
- VlSU — Vladimir state University. A.G. and N.G. Stretovych
- MIREA — Moscow state technical University of Radioengineering, electronics and automation
- rgrta — Ryazan state radio engineering University
- KNRTU them. Tupolev Kazan state technical University. Tupolev
- Etu «LETI» — St. Peterburgskii state electrotechnical University «LETI» them. LETI»)
- tech — Voronezh state technical University
- nowadays — Moscow state University of instrument engineering and computer science
- engineering — Moscow state University of railway engineering
- SUAI — Saint-Petersburg state University of aerospace instrumentation
- SPbSU ITMO St. Petersburg state University of information technologies
these Universities prepare specialists in the following fields:
- Information system.
- Information technology.
- Modeling and operations research in organizational-technical systems.
- Applied mathematics.
- Applied computer science.
- Computer security.
- Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks.
- Automated systems of information processing and management.
- computer-aided design Systems.
- Software for computers and automated systems.
- Organization and technology of information protection.
- Comprehensive protection of Informatization objects.
- Comprehensive information security of automated systems.
- Information security of telecommunication systems.
In the table shows the salaries of IT professionals trudoustroilisj specialty:
Rating IT-universities that help students choose the appropriate educational institution, based on the prospects of further employment and career opportunities.
a Qualified IT specialist now the weight of gold.
1 Portal SuperJob
Kovalchuk Tatiana
Recruitment company AVICONN
Consultant recruitment