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How to talk about yourself in the interview

How to talk about yourself in the interviewCompetition is a fundamental factor in any market. The situation on the market of HR services is no exception. Every day recruitment agencies receive orders from customers, every day they are looking for the candidate, the most experienced and motivated, the best employee.

most likely after question about how you got will ask you: «well, tell us something about yourself». If you don’t prepare, it is quite likely that the candidate can become confused, and immediately begin unpleasant introductory phrase, full of words-parasites: «what can I do to tell about yourself, Yes to tell, in fact, nothing».

it is important to remember that the issue in the first place, is given by HR Manager in order to assess your communication and presentation skills, but also the content of the story is important. Of course, before the recruiter lies your resume, and he carefully got acquainted with him before the interview, so do not literally repeat its contents.

Explain why you chose one or the profession, tell us about your main achievements during my studies, maybe you were in charge of organizing projects, activist, and you still remember. Moreover, it is worth considering the fact that the candidates who have recently graduated from an educational institution, with a little experience, can more time to devote to this paragraph, while more Mature candidates is only casual mention of their training. Agree, sounds pretty funny when the person applying for a managerial position, says that he has completed the 11th grade, receiving only 4 and 5.

When you talk about your experience, the main attention should be paid to their achievements, as you achieve them, whether working alone or in a team, what was your personal contribution to the common cause, as were the relations in the team, what would you change and so on. Not worth it again to list all of your responsibilities, just describe briefly what you did, it is desirable that this story logically you led up to the moment of applying the particular position for which you are currently going through an interview. Briefly describe your plans for the future, what prospects do you see for yourself in this particular company, make it clear to the recruiter that you understand where and why they came, read the information about the company in advance to speak with the employer in the same language. Very carefully the reasons for the changes, as this is one of the key points that receive close attention. Try to clearly explain their position, not embellishing or the unforgotten past employer. Remember that all the facts can easily be checked by asking for recommendations, and you may not be in the best position, if the version in the root disperse.

can You tell us a few words about your family, but without fanaticism. No need to describe in detail the biography of her grandmother or dog, it is important to make it clear to the company that you will be loyal to the company, as well as your family that you have values that you follow.

Remember that story about yourself during the interview should be limited in time, and it should last no more than three or four minutes. Try to consolidate all the information in his head, to systematize the most important events of your life, prioritize. It would be better to rehearse at home in front of the mirror, then at the interview, you will feel more confident.

the personnel Manager in any case will ask you questions, but in your power to show their competence and creativity, besides the correct story about yourself will help you to turn an interview into a positive direction.

do Not worry and be afraid to say «something», just be yourself!

good Luck!

Morgunova Zoe,

Recruitment company AVICONN

Junior recruiter