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Dynamics of salaries of medical representatives in Moscow and region and forecasts to 2016

Dynamics of salaries of medical representatives in Moscow and region and forecasts to 2016In the article to assess the dynamics of growth in the salary of medical representative in recent years and the forecast of such dynamics to 2016 . This review will be of interest to applicants to the post.

The profession of «Medical representative» is one of the key in pharmaceutical business. After all, MP is the face of the company. Accordingly, it is the most sought after position in any company that operates in the segment of pharmaceuticals. Let’s consider one of the most important components of the compensation work Medical representative, and basically any man in the world wages. Salary of Medical representatives over the last few years increasing.


Average salary MP 2014

the histogram shows that the highest average tax rate part of in 2014 came in may and June 2014. The lowest tax rate part of March 2014.


Average salary MP 2015

The histogram «Average wage MP 2015» gives us to understand that the peak in the salaries of Medical representatives was in June of 2015, and the salary for January and February 2015.
If we look at both histograms, we can see that the average salary tends to increase.
In 2016, based on trends in previous years you can make the assumption that the average wage will also increase and will reach 60,000 rubles. It is possible with high probability to predict the growth of the average wage in 2016 in particular, and because the pharmaceutical business is one of the most stable businesses in the world.

Gavrilova Daria

Consultant recruitment

Recruitment company AVICONN